許多申請者認為自己寫的句子越長越好。事實並非如此。你不必用長的、複雜的句子來說明你的文章寫得好。事實上,短句子卻經常能包含許多內容。最好的文章其句子長度變化不一,任何一段都含有長句 短句。你可以試一試大聲朗讀自己的文章,有句號時停頓一下。聽聽你的作文的節奏。所有的句子長度相同嗎?如果整個一段的句子饒舌拗口,或是你讀到某一點時喘不過氣來,那你就把它們分成較短的句 子。你也許需要試一試更有規律的方法。
情況往往是這樣,含有有趣故事的一篇文章結果往往會變成這樣一連串的句子,這些句子只是在講述而不是將作者的品質展現給讀者。學生們錯誤地認為讀者不會“知道”,如果他們自己不把主要的論點說 絕。這樣,文章就不能不充滿陳腐用語、套語,什麼“努力奮鬥和堅持不懈的價值”,“學會區別對待”,“不要以為喜歡的就是好的”,“實現夢想”或“從錯誤中吸取教訓”,等等。這類句子如果用得 少,如用於主題句,是可以接受的,但是優秀的文章根本不用。相反,要讓你的故事細節來說明自己。下面的例子能說明這種區別。
在一篇平庸的文章:I developed a new compassion for the disabled.
在一篇較好的文章:Whenever I had the chance to help the disabled, I did so happily.
在一篇優秀的文章:The next time Ms. Cooper asked me to help her across the street, I smiled and immediately took her arm.
You are probably wondering, what are the political issues that make this kid really mad? Well, I get steamed when I hear about my friends throwing away their right to vote. Voting is part of what makes this country great. Some people believe that their vote doesn’t count. Well, I think they’re wrong.
在類似這樣的文章裏,如果你要證明你對事物的態度是認真的,那麼你的語言本身也應該嚴肅認真。只有那些非傳統的文章,例如那些以敍事體或對話形式寫的文章,才應該依靠口語體的表達方式。只有你 有意識地要取得能傳達自己的意思的效果時你才用非正式的文體寫。
文章的第一稿有許多非常典型的句子類型,例如,“I + 動詞 + 賓語”(I play soccer.)。要是在一篇文章裏這樣的簡單結構用得太多,那麼會產生兩種效果:其一,你的語言顯得膚淺簡單;其二,在人家看來你非常高傲 ? 試想一下,你和某人談話,而她總是談論自己。這兒有個技巧,那就是改變用詞而不改變意思。例如:
修改前: I started playing piano when I was eight years old. I worked hard to learn difficult pieces. I learned about the effort needed to improve myself. I began to love music.
修改後: I started playing the piano at the age of eight. From the beginning, I worked hard to learn difficult pieces, and this struggle taught me the effort needed for self-improvement. My work with the piano nourished my love for music.
在寫有關足球(或領導才能)的文章裏,不要反復使用”soccer” (或 “leadership”) 一詞。名詞的重複其效果和上面提到的“I”的重複一樣使人覺得你的語言膚淺。用可替代的片語代替主語名詞。例如,你可用一些意義模糊的同義詞(如“the sport “,”the game “)或具體的短語(如”going to practice”, “completing a pass”)來替代”soccer”。在寫”leadership”(”領導才能“。時,可用”setting an example”或“coordinating a group effort” 等短語替代。
補充:刪除多餘的詞 (51edit.com 網站提供)下面的單詞和片語通常可以從文章中刪除而不失去任何意思。多餘的詞使文章失去活力,因為它們使語言複雜化而空洞(在某些領域也稱為“廢話”,這是該詞的一個語氣更強的變體詞)。以下 的短語的確使句子顯得臃腫,因為它們要求使用被動語態,即”to be + 動詞的過去分詞形式“。I believe that, I feel that, I hope that, I think that, I realized that, I learned that, in other words, in order to, in fact, it is essential that, it is important to see that, the reason why, the thing that is most important is, this is important because, this means that, the point is that, really, very, somewhat, absolutely, definitely, surely, truly, probably, practically, hopefully, in conclusion, in summary.在看看“X 和Y”這兩個贅詞,儘管其意義十分細微。下面列出的只是許許多多例子中的幾個。每一對中兩個詞的意思幾乎相同,因此,為何兩個詞都要寫上?這些贅詞告訴讀者,作者並沒考慮他在說什麼。陳詞濫調?⒗弦惶椎拇室歡啵愕奈惱綠鵠淳陀腖釁淥惱虜畈歡唷2灰覽嫡廡┯瀉ξ摶嫻鬧氐首椋ο胍幌敫尤非械拇駛悖蛭廡┐駛隳苷嬲魅匪得髂愣撈氐木ard work and effort, teamwork and cooperation, dreams and aspirations, personal growth and development, determination and diligence, challenges and difficulties, objectives and goals, worries and concerns, love and caring.
在一篇文章中通篇濫用被動語態會使你的文章顯得平淡無味。使用主動語態的句子比使用被動語態的句子更簡潔。由於被動語態的句子總包含動詞be的一個形式,如am, is, was, were, are, 或 been,因此你可以識別其表達方式。然而,有be-動詞出現不一定說明句子是被動語態,在被動語態的句子裏,句子主語是動詞所表示的動作的承受者,即動作是作用於主語的。在主動語態的句子裏,動詞?硎鏡畝魘侵饔鎪瓿傻模粗饔鍤鞘┒摺?
(被動)I was selected to be the tuba player by the band leader.
(主動)The bandleader selected me to be the tuba player.
(被動) I will be prepared for college as a result of the lessons my mother taught me.
(主動)My mother taught me lessons that will prepare me for college
(被動) I am reminded of her voice every time I hear that song.
(主動)That song reminds me of her voice.
1. After working closely with my mentor, I __________ advanced techniques in oil painting.
a) was beginning to master
b) began to master
c) mastered
2. My newspaper article on the labor strikes __________ both praise and criticism.
a) generated
b) got
c) was the recipient of
3. Once I joined the debate team, I __________ the opportunity to compete every weekend.
a) sought
b) had
c) was exposed to
4. Samuel’s touchdown __________ the stadium crowd.
a) created much energy in
b) energized
c) really energized
5. Woolf’s essay __________ my opinion of gender inequality.
a) challenged
b) made me take another look at
c) was challenging to
6. As Jessica drew near me, I __________ the baton and took off running.
a) grasped
b) got
c) was given
7. Once my mother had fallen asleep, I __________ the dolls on her nightstand.
a) put
b) arranged
c) set up
8. Chris and I __________ an educational project for first-graders in our community.
a) began
b) started
c) initiated
9. “Why didn’t you ask me before throwing it away?” Jason __________.
a) hollered
b) said angrily
c) started to yell
10. Mr. Franklin __________ that he was our true father.
a) let us know
b) told us
c) revealed
1) c; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) a; 6) a; 7) b; 8) c; 9) a; 10) c;
如果你要將被動句改為主動句,必須先找出施事者,即完成動詞所表示的動作的人或物。將該“施事者”作為句子的主語,然後對動詞做相應的改變。你可以按照以下這些步驟來處理你文章中許多被動語態 的句子:
1.全面檢查一下”was” 和”were”這兩個詞,因為它們經常表示被動。
2.劃掉 “was” 或 “were”。
3.在 “was” 或 “were” 後面的動詞上加 “-ed”。
1. I was taught by my brother the principles of barbecuing.
2. My father was given the title by the former head chief.
3. The house was wrecked by the party and the cat was let loose by the guests.
4. The house is a mess, the cat is lost, and the car has been stolen by Justin.
5. Unfortunately, my plan was ruined by Gerald, the building superintendent.
6. The roof was leaking. It had been leaking all week.
7. The ball was thrown by Lucy, who had been hiding in the bushes.
8. Francesca was placed on the first flight to Boston. Her father put her there.
9. “To be or not to be?” That is the question.
10. A feast had been created from nothing. I was astounded.
1. My brother taught me the principles of barbecuing.
2. The former head chief gave the title to my father.
3. The party wrecked the house and the guests let the cat loose.
4. The house is a mess, the cat is lost, and Justin has stolen the car.
5. Unfortunately, Gerald, the building superintendent, ruined my plan.
6. No change.
7. Lucy, who had been hiding in the bushes, threw the ball.
8. Francesca’s father placed her on the first flight to Boston.
9. No change.
10. A feast had been created from nothing. This astounded me.
練習:被動語態 —— 自由作文
寫一篇100詞的短文,題目不限(但最好與你的文章題目有關),不用動詞 “to be” 的任何形式。
申請者常常忽視轉折語對自己文章的危害。一篇好的文章在一段裏面、特別是段落與段落之間一定要使用轉折語,以便保持文章的流暢邏輯。沒有轉折語的文章就象一群孤立的小島,讀者要費盡力氣才能從 一點轉到另一點。因此,要用轉折語作為連接你的各種想法的橋樑。當你從一個段落到另一個段落時,你除了繼續講你的故事,你不必再為你的敍述進行解釋。如果段落之間的轉折需要解釋,那麼你的文章 要麼範圍太大,要麼不夠流暢,缺乏邏輯。一個好的轉折句子可以填補兩段之間所缺的那一行。
不必太多地考慮如何去造轉折句。如果你的提綱的概念很自然地一個接一個,後一個以前一個為前提,那麼轉折語也在其中了。切勿強迫自己使用轉折語,儘量避免使用諸如“however”, ”nevertheless”, 或 “furthermore” 這些詞。如果你覺得段落之間的轉折有困難,或想把某個轉折語強加進一個已寫好的段落裏去,那麼,這可能說明你文章的總的結構有問題。如果你對此有懷疑,則回頭再讀一讀你原先的提綱,看你是否每 一段寫一個要點,是否每個要點聯繫自然,前後連貫,結論符合邏輯。最後一段的轉折語特別關鍵。如果對你如何得出最後的想法不清楚,那麼說明你提綱的結論是硬塞進去的,或你的提綱缺乏中心。
如果你對自己文章的結構有信心,但發現自己可能在適當轉折的地方給難住了,那麼試試重複前一段的關鍵字使自己的想法發展下去。如果不行,那麼作為最後的一招,試從以下列出的常用轉折語中找到你 所需要的。
as well, and, additionally, furthermore, also, too, in addition, another, beside, moreover, etc.
first of all, meanwhile, followed by, then, next, before, after, last, finally, one month later, one year later, etc.
first, second etc., next, last, finally, more importantly, more significantly, above all, primarily, etc.
for example, for instance, to illustrate, this can be seen, etc.
as a result, thus, consequently, eventually, therefore, etc.
nonetheless, however, yet, but, though, on the other hand, although, even though, in contrast, unlike, differing from, on the contrary, instead, whereas, nevertheless, despite, regardless of, etc.
in a different sense, similarly, likewise, similar to, like, just as, conversely, etc.
用有效的轉折語(如果需要的話)將下面的句子連接起來。(在某些情況下, 兩個句子可各自成立而不須用轉折語)
1. Ordinarily, I took my responsibility seriously and would write down classmates' names to preserve the silence and decorum of the school environment.
When a different teacher walked in, a teacher known to punish too hard and painfully, I decided to save my friends from his hard strokes, and I erased all the names.
2. Despite the windy conditions and below freezing temperatures, I could not tear myself away from the awe-inspiring beauty of the cosmos. Despite the frustration and difficulties inherent in scientific study, I cannot retreat from my goal of universal understanding.
3. But the sadness with which she responded, stating, "He died when he was a baby,” convinced me that it was true.It affected me as nothing ever would again.
4. Finishing the test in an unspectacular six minutes and five seconds, I stumbled off the erg more exhausted than I had ever been. That night, I went home and caught a cold. Had I followed my survivalist and rationalist instincts, I would have quit rowing then and there;
5. Immediately, I realized that I must dedicate my life to understanding the causes of the universe's beauty. The hike taught me several valuable lessons that will allow me to increase my understanding through scientific research.
6. After my grandfather’s death, I began to understand and follow his sage advice.
I pulled out a picture of my grandfather and me at Disneyland.
7. Often, she had to work from dusk to dawn living a double life as a student and a financially responsible adult. My mother managed to keep a positive disposition.
8. In addition to working and studying, she found time to make weekly visits to terminally ill and abandoned children in the local hospital. My mother developed the value of selflessness.
9. My mother made me learn Indonesian, the official language of our country. Also, she wanted me to develop interests in various academic and extracurricular fields.
1) However; 2) Similarly; 3) The shock of this revelation at such a tender age; 4) That was three seasons ago. 5) In addition; 6) To cope with his passing; 7) Despite the burdens she faced; 8) From her experiences during college; 9) My mother did not only want me to have a broad knowledge of languages.
根據Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, “陳腐用語“定義為:”a trite phrase or expression”, “a hackneyed theme, characterization, rsituation”, 或 “something that has become overly familiar or commonplace”. 也就是說,“陳詞濫調,用濫了的套語;陳腐的思想;陳腐的主題或情節、角色、手法等”。任何一項都不要出現在你的文章裏。“陳腐用語”會使你的作文看起來鬆散,思想看起來普通,經驗平凡。記住 以下所列的句子並避免使這些以及其他的陳腐用語出現在自己的文章中。
1. I always learn from my mistakes
2. I know my dreams will come true
3. I can make a difference
4. _________ is my passion
5. I no longer take my loved ones for granted
6. These lessons are useful both on and off the field (or other sporting arena)
7. I realized the value of hard work and perseverance
8. _________ was the greatest lesson of all
9. I know what it is to triumph over adversity
10. _________ opened my eyes to a whole new world
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